Friday, April 30, 2010

The Green Riders

A man named Oliver Bock first came to our attention late last year when he called and told us a little bit about his upcoming trip across the country. We certainly don't want to sound overly-blasé, but trips of incredible distances, beginning and ending all over the globe, are something we hear about almost daily. What makes Oliver and his sister, Catherine's trek different from those that we typically hear about is their reason for going from their hometown of Palo Alto, California to Washington, DC. They're out to prove that sustainable transportation has reached a new plateau. Not only are today's human powered and electric assisted vehicles more practical than in the past, their reliability makes them more fun than ever before, as well.
Oliver and Catherine assumed the identity of The Green Riders for their campaign. The two will be meeting up with environmental luminaries across the country as they head east. They regularly update their blog with inspiring stories about people who have done something noteworthy to help out our planet.
In all honesty though, it's going to be tough to top the inspirational effort of The Green Riders. At the end of their trip they just might find that they've done at least as much good as the champions of sustainability that they've sought out. That's part of the reason that we're so proud that they're riding a pair of our Tour Easy's, equipped with EcoSpeed electric kits.

The Green Riders started their journey on April 22nd, 2010 and they hope to arrive in Washington to meet with the president by June 22nd, 2010. Visit their websites to show them some support, and consider signing their petition so that they can meet President Obama and ride bikes with him at the White House. Also, if The Green Riders pass through your town, don't be afraid to say 'hello'. I'm sure they'd be happy to answer any question you have about their trip. Good luck guys!

Visit The Green Riders Website
Visit The Green Riders Blog
Read The Green Riders Interview with Buck Cendejas, of Easy Racers, Inc.
